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Commission on Sustainable Development​


Vladimir Radulescu

Most likely to betray their country, Most likely to party with Kanye 

Security Council


Aaron Soo

Funniest Delegate

Most Corrupt, Most likely to end up in an Asylum, 

Security Council


Filippa Fälth

Most likely to party with Kanye 

Security Council​


Rasmus Lagerqvist

Most likely to betray their country

6th Committee: Legal

Saudi Arabia

Federico Meroni​

Most Corrupt 

Commission of Status of Women

Vietnam ​

Zaina Albattat

Future Dictator

Most likely to commit Murder


Commission of Status of Women​

Russia ​

Adna Husseen

Most likely to work for the UN, Most likely to follow in Trump's footsteps

Commission on Sustainable Development


Erik Ehrnst

Future Dictator, Most Corrupt

Most likely to follow in Trump's footsteps

4th Committee: Special Political and Decolonisation

Sweden ​

Laurens Lemmers 

Future Dictator, Most Corrupt

Most likely to betray their country, Most likely to follow in Trump's footsteps

4th Committee: Special Political and Decolonisation​


Matteo Bard

    Most likely to work for the UN

6th Committee: Legal

Russia ​

Gustav Borch Ovdal 

Future Dictator

Most likely to work for the UN, Most likely to betray their country

6th Committee: Legal​


​Cédric Sanceau

Most likely to party with Kanye, Most likely to end up in jail. 

2nd Committee: Economic and Financial Committee


Emanuele Perri

Most corrupt

Most likely to party with Kanye, Most likely to end up in jail.

1st Committee: Disarmament and International Security


 Elizabete Isakssone 

Future Dictator 

Most likely to work for the UN

3rd Committee: Social and Humanitarian​


Raghav Viswakumar

Most likely to work for the UN

1st Committee: Disarmament and International Security


Vlad Dolgov 

 Most Corrupt

Most likely to betray their country, Most likely to end up in jail.

3rd Committee: Social and Humanitarian


Giorgia Aceti 

Future Dictator 

Most likely to betray their country

2nd Committee: Economic and Financial Committee​


Liam Costa 

Most likely to betray their country

Leona Marinelli

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