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What’s your name?

My name is Alma.


Which country are you from?

I'm from Spain.


Say the best thing about your country.

I dunno, I have to say food, because, well, I love food.


Have you ever visited Sweden before?

No, I haven't.


What’s one thing you like and one thing you don’t like with Sweden?

I like how most people are pretty nice here, but they’re also very strict.


How did you discover MUN?

Through the school I go to.


Have you ever been to an MUN debate before?

Yeah, I have.


What has been the most fun so far?

I'd say the most fun so far has been the punishments.


What’s your favourite movie?

Narnia, definitely.


If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Maybe flying, cause I could just go wherever I want, you know?


Have you done any punishments? And what’s the funniest one you’ve seen so far?

Yes, one. Singing to Beyonce’s Single Ladies. The funniest one I’ve seen would probably be the one with Julia doing a lapdance on Edward.



Can you tell me a little about yourself?

My name is Ingrid Fox, and I’m from England.


How long have you been in the MUN?

Since I was fifteen years old, so about two and a half years.


Why do you like it?

I like it so much because it’s fun to debate and I really like politics. The whole setup is just great and you get to wear cool clothes. I’ve also made a lot of friends in MUN, so that’s great.


Are you interested in politics as a profession or do you just do MUN for fun?

Well, I think being an international spy would be interesting, otherwise I don’t think politics is my career path.


What’s your biggest fear?

That would definitely be realising that there is someone in my house that has been living there for days and is planning to kill me.


Who’s your favourite musician?

David Bowie, I especially like his song ‘Time’.


Do you have any guilty pleasures?

I love the Vampire Diaries.


What would your spirit animal be?

A fox, no question.


If you were arrested for a crime, what would that be?



Things took a turn, and you’re having your last meal. What is it?

Noodles. Just plain noodles, no extra flavour.

What’s your name?

It’s Vladimir Radulescu.


Where are you from?

I’m from Sweden. I moved here ten years ago from Romania.


How did you discover MUN?

There was this girl from my school who really wanted to take part in it, and our teacher said one day that everyone who wanted to participate in MUN should raise their hands. I was one of them, and I got elected for it, so now here I am.


Have you been to any other MUN conferences?

No, this is actually my first time.


Are you enjoying yourself so far?

Yes, I think there are very nice debating questions. It feels like you get a much larger picture of the whole world than just talking at school about what happened during the weekend.


Are you pursuing a career in politics?

No, I am not. I don’t really know what I want to do, I just know I want to be an entrepreneur.


Do you think you’ll stay in Sweden or move?

I think Sweden is a really good country to have kids in, so when I have kids I’ll move back, but I want to work in California. I’ve been there a couple of times and I really like it there. I don’t really like the US in general, only California.


Do you have a guilty pleasure?

I don’t know. Reading, probably, because a lot of people think it’s really nerdy and I really don’t tell people how much I read.


If you had to go to a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would that be?

I’m not sure, a knife or something I could survive with, or maybe a phone so I could call someone.


Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a hideous fat cat called Svenning.


Pineapple on pizza, yay or nay?

Oh hell no.

What’s your name?

Anna Inte.


Which country are you from?

I’m from a school in Denmark, but I was born in Germany.


Say the best thing about your country.

Denmark is a country which cares for everyone, everyone is embraced with open arms. Also I have the opportunity to study IB and do MUN because Denmark also has that. And they have wonderful, high quality food. I like it.


Have you ever visited Sweden before?



What’s one thing you like and one thing you don’t like with Sweden?

I really like the open-minded people, and also everything is of good quality and really advanced. The thing I don’t like is the same as in Germany, perfectionism and sticking to the rules so much, I don’t like it.


How did you discover MUN?

It was offered at my school.


Have you ever been to an MUN debate before?

No, this is my first time.


What’s your favourite movie?

I have no favourite movie, it’s too hard to choose.


If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Probably to be invisible, because I could observe everything without people recognising me, it’s really interesting, and I would also be able to travel for free.


Have you done any punishments? If not, what’s the funniest one you’ve seen so far?

Yes, I was walking on my hands. The funniest punishment would probably be Vietnam giving birth to the child of the United States, it was really funny.



Annie Lindqvist

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